IELTS Reading Section: Question Types, Syllabus & Tips to Prepare

The IELTS reading section evaluates the test taker’s ability to read and comprehend the written text in the English language in academic and social settings. The IELTS reading is different for academic and general training tests. 

In IELTS academics, the topics of the reading section are around university and college settings, whereas in the IELTS general training test, questions are framed around the topics in everyday life.

In this blog, we will explore these differences and gain a clear understanding of the question types, syllabus, and effective preparation tips for the reading section.

Table of Contents

IELTS Reading Section: An Overview

Below, we have tabulated the overview of the IELTS academic reading section.

FeaturesIELTS AcademicIELTS General Training Test
No. of Passages33
Total Questions4040
Word Count2,000-2,750300-900
Text SourcesAcademic Journals
Research Papers
Total Duration60 Minutes

60 Minutes

Types of Passages in IELTS Academic Reading Section

Let’s delve deeper into the types of passages in the IELTS Academic reading section.

  • The IELTS academic reading section comprises 3 long passages or texts taken from academic journals and research papers.
  • The subject matter of these passages covers
    • A wide range of academic disciplines (science, humanities, social sciences, etc.)
    • Contemporary issues with academic relevance
    • Abstract concepts
    • Historical developments and their significance in the modern world
  • These passages contain
    • Highly advanced vocabularies
    • Technical academic terminologies
    • Dense informations
    • Sophisticated arguments and counter-arguments
  • These passages contain
    • Highly advanced vocabularies
    • Technical academic terminologies
    • Dense informations
    • Sophisticated arguments and counter-arguments

Types of Passages in IELTS General Reading Section

Let’s delve deeper into the types of passages in the IELTS general reading section.

  • Similar to the IELTS academic reading section, the general training test provides a comprehensive exposure to written material, but in the context of everyday life and societal dealings.
  • It also covers 3 passages or texts from the newspapers, magazines, and workplace documents.
  • Passage 1 contains authentic everyday materials like notices, advertisements, and timetables.
  • Passage 2 contains training or work-related texts like job descriptions, workplace procedures, staff handbooks, etc.
  • Passage 3 contains topics of general interest that might be available in newspapers and magazines. 

Question Types in IELTS Reading Section

The question types remain the same for academic and general training tests, which are mentioned below. 

  • MCQs: In these types of questions, a test taker has to choose the correct answer among the different options provided.
  • Identifying the writer’s claim/view: Such questions are asked to identify the writer’s view or perceptions.
  • Matching Information: These questions are aimed at locating specific information within the given paragraph or text sections.
  • Short answer questions: In these types of questions, test takes are required to answer a question in short form, in 2-3 points.
  • Diagram labelling: Test takers are required to complete labels on a diagram.
  • Summary/note/flowchart: Test takers are required to express the written information concisely through summary, note-making or flowchart.
  • Sentence Completion: In these questions, test takers are needed to complete the sentences taken from the reading text.
  • Matching sentence ending: In these questions, test takers have to choose the right option to complete the first part of the sentence.

What Skills Are Evaluated in the IELTS Reading Section?

  • The IELTS reading section can be considered as the assessment to evaluate the test taker’s ability to read, process information, analyse ideas, and express opinions and narratives.
  • Reading skills make a person more analytical and competent, both in academic and professional life.
  • The top key skills which are evaluated in the IELTS reading section are
    • Reading comprehension
    • Skimming
    • Scanning of information
    • Analytical reading 
    • Understanding logical arguments
    • Understanding the purpose of the text
    • Understanding relationships between ideas
    • Making inferences
    • Vocabulary

IELTS Reading Marking System

  • The IELTS reading section contains 40 questions, and answering them correctly can grant the test taker 1 marks.
  • An unanswered question gives no marks.
  • The cumulative correct responses accumulate the raw scores from which the final band score is derived.
  • Following is the band score chart for IELTS reading sections for both academic and general training tests.
Number of Correct Answers (Raw Scores)IELTS Academic Reading Band ScoreIELTS General Reading Band Score

Preparation Tips for IELTS Reading Section

Before taking the IELTS exam, it is important to review the key tips that can help test takers questions in the reading section, both before and during the test.

Pre-Test Prep Strategies for IELTS Reading Section

  • Familiarise yourself with a variety of academic texts, reports, and journals while preparing for the IELTS exam.
  • Learn effective techniques such as skimming and scanning to identify main ideas and supporting details quickly.
  • Practice answering reading comprehension questions accurately by solving mock tests.
  • For more comprehensive guidance on the IELTS reading section and its preparation, you can join the AdmitX Smart Academy.

Test-Day Strategies for IELTS Reading Section

  • Read the instructions carefully before starting the test.
  • Allocate a maximum of 15-16 minutes to reading the texts and rest 4-5 minutes for writing and transferring the answers.
  • Use skimming and scanning techniques to quickly grasp the understanding of the text and questions.
  • Don’t leave the question if you are unable to understand or answer it.
  • Since there is no negative marking, choose the closest answer that might make you feel correct.

Key Takeaways by Smart Academy

The IELTS reading section aimed to evaluate the test taker’s ability to understand and comprehend written texts under academic, professional, and everyday life contexts.

It measures vocabulary, the ability to understand the main ideas, and the ability to make logical inferences. While the IELTS reading section doesn’t carry any negative marks, it is advisable for test takers to answer every question, and for that, they have to prepare comprehensively and believe in their instincts.


How do I utilise time effectively while answering IELTS reading questions?

To utilise time effectively for the IELTS reading section, it is crucial to master the information scanning and skimming techniques through mock tests before appearing for the main test.

Developing these skills would facilitate your understanding of the ideas from the texts and answer questions more effectively and efficiently.

No, the reading section differs for general training and academic tests in terms of passage complexity and length. However, the number of passages, question types, marks, and time duration remains the same.

For IELTS academics, you would be required to answer 23-30 questions correctly, and for the general training test, you would be required to answer 30-34 questions correctly.

The IELTS reading section contains questions whose types are similar to both academic and general training tests. This includes MCQs, Identifying the writer’s claim/view, matching information, short answer questions, diagram labelling, etc.

For IELTS academics, the passages are taken from academic journals, research papers, and textbooks. For the IELTS general training test, passages are taken from newspapers, magazines, and advertisements.

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